I bet you thought the Americans invented fast food and... I also bet that you thought that "Prime" Minister Berlusconi invented the BUNGA BUNGA! (If you don't know what that is... I'm not telling you, 'cause it's a bit rude and I am a LADY!)
In ancient Rome (and I know because I have been to Pompeii lots of times) people didn't really have fitted kitchens and microwaves, or fan ovens (didn't see any microwaves, but they did have central heating and double glazing... they really did!) Anyway! If you were poor (doesn't history repeat itself?)... You were done! No oven, no cooker, no microwave and maybe NO SLAVE... OR WIFE! So... where did you go if you were hungry? The Termopolium, of course (Take out restaurant to you and I!) Yes, they invented that, too! And I bet "nice" women were not allowed in! Termopoliums are still there, in Pompeii, for everyone to see, and... round the back, a set of rooms, where you could drink wine (of course) play games and... do the BUNGA BUNGA! So there, Signor Berlusconi, you did not even "invent" the BUNGA BUNGA!
Fast food doesn't have to be unhealthy hamburger or cheese loaded pizza or rather oily ( but very nice, unfortunately) Chinese food! In Italy we are very good at fast food. Fast and quite healthy, too! (we actually do most things in record time!)
Today I cooked pork chops ( but it could be lamb- very nice! Or red mullet-extremely nice! Same recipe, BTW!) and also mixed vegetables (courgettes, peppers, garlic and parsley) al cartoccio (that means I placed each chop in foil, with other ingredients and then closed the foil to make a little parcel,) and did the same with my vegetables, too, as you may have gathered. The parcels were cooked very quickly in a hot oven... no frying, no fat, no butter, just good old, delicious Mediterranean ingredients!
Today I cooked pork chops ( but it could be lamb- very nice! Or red mullet-extremely nice! Same recipe, BTW!) and also mixed vegetables (courgettes, peppers, garlic and parsley) al cartoccio (that means I placed each chop in foil, with other ingredients and then closed the foil to make a little parcel,) and did the same with my vegetables, too, as you may have gathered. The parcels were cooked very quickly in a hot oven... no frying, no fat, no butter, just good old, delicious Mediterranean ingredients!
And guess what? Here is the recipe!
Bistecche di maiale al cartoccio
(Pork Chops Wrapped in Foil)
3 servings:
3 pork chops,
3 cloves garlic, chopped
handful fresh parsley
some Balsamic Vinegar
some olive oil
some fresh chilli pepper, sliced
(opitional, but not for me!)
Verdure miste al cartoccio
(Vegetable Medley wrapped in Foil)
2 peppers, diced
2 courgettes (zucchine) diced
3 cloves garlic
handful parsley
fresh basil
some Balsamic Vinegar
some olive oil
some fresh basil leaves
some fresh basil leaves
Cut a few squares of aluminum foil. Place each chop in the middle of it. Pour some olive oil al balsamic vinegar over the meat. Rub till the 2 ingredients are blended. Chop the garlic and parsley, spread over the chops, then add salt and pepper.
Gather the foil above the meat, then close to make a parcel. Do the same with every chop.
my chop looks happy... doesn't know it's about to be cooked!
In a large piece of foil, place all your vegetables, including garlic and parsley. Add olive oil and balsamic vinegar Mix together, wrap up. Now, you can place all your parcels on a baking tray or dish. I cooked my "Fast food" in a fan oven at a temperature of 220 C,425F, Gas 7)
I opened my parcels... 40 minutes later...
My chops were served with the vegetables, some caponata (extremely delicious!) I made yesterday, a small pot of olive oil and Balsamic,
for extra dressing or dipping, and, of course, some baguette. I actually also made a quick salad with mozzarella, black pepper and olive oil, whick was simply fantastic (but do use proper mozzarella, the real Italian stuff if you make this!)
Everybody said it was fantastic! AND...
IT REALLY WAS.............. FAST....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Cher sang "You're simply the best" she was referring to Italian food, no doubt! Bet you didn't know that! Or was is Tina Turner? Not "the best"... the person who sang that song, I mean! Yes, she was! I bet you didn't know that either!